Many people spend hundreds of pounds per year on products to help them achieve a more youthful appearance, when there are products just sitting in their bathrooms or kitchens that produce the same effects for a much lower price. Some of the following information may seem bizarre, but these products really do work. There are household products that work for everything from acne, aging, and hair issues.
Hemorrhoid creams are great remedies for puffiness under the eye and also for fine lines. When using for eye puffiness, carefully smooth in to the puffy area, let it absorb into the skin, and then apply make-up as normal.
White toothpaste, not gel, is a great remedy for pimples. Applying at bedtime will dry the pimple out overnight. Believe it or not, but regular toothpaste is also a great remedy for mosquito and other itchy bug bites. For pimples, if one does not have the time to wait for an overnight treatment, over the counter eye drops can also be used. Applied with a cotton swab, eye drops will erase the redness after a few minutes, and then make-up can be applied as normal.
Facial masques are getting ever expensive, but a good home remedy is Pepto-Bismol. The ingredients in this tummy relief aid work well as a facial tightening masque. Remove the application with warm water. This also works great for aiding in the removal of cold sores.
If one has problematic oily skin, Milk of Magnesia is a great remedy for ceasing oil production. Just apply this to the problem area, let it dry, and then rinse with warm water before the application of make-up.
Follow these tips and you can have bright, clean skin for a fraction of the cost.
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